Thursday, May 28, 2020

Is the SAT an IQ Test

Despite the size of the test prep industry, there’s this lingering myth that the SAT is an IQ test, so studying for it is futile. The official response to that from the test prep giants (Kaplan, Princeton, Barron’s†¦) is a pretty unanimous â€Å"hogwash!† Or maybe it’s â€Å"horsefeathers!† It’s something barn related, in any case. But of course they say that! They want you to believe that the SAT has nothing to do with reasoning abilitythat its all about test-taking secrets that theyll give you. Thats not it, either, though. At least, its not the whole story. The truth is hard to pin down; look around, and you’ll get a lot of different opinions. But if you really pick apart what it takes to do well on the test, I think you’ll inevitably end up agreeing with whats below. The SAT tests learnable, knowledge-based abilities Like it or not, the SAT is closely tied to what you’ve been learning in school. If you take tough math classes, work to improve your essays, and really engage with what you’re reading, you’ll be in great shape for the test. For some, that’s a boon—after all, that path is pretty clear. Meanwhile, the logical faculties that IQ tests supposedly measure are a lot harder to improve. Here’s one piece of incontrovertible proof for each section that the SAT is not an I.Q. test: Reading: It tests bizzare vocabulary. No vocab is a measure of I.Q.—it’s about exposure. Take a look at some of the most common vocab words on the SAT. You can manage those! Writing: It tests grammar a lot. And you can actually learn many of those grammar topics in a couple of weeks, if you try. Math: Having memorized formulas for the math section makes a huge difference. But that’s not all you need. Really difficult questions are similar to I.Q. questions I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; the SAT is tricky. Tricky and sneaky. If the College Board were to hire an animal to write the SAT, they’d probably hire a weasel. They’re not evil—they can even be playful—but they’re cunning. Outwitting those high-end questions takes a talent similar to what IQ tests look for. You may have to manipulate 3D objects in a strange way, for example, using visualization skills that just can’t be taught all that easily. Or maybe you’ll have to make a draw a logical inference from a reading, but two of the answer choices will seem perfectly reasonable (the flaw can be really subtle). Making a relevant and valid argument in your essay also takes cold rationality rather than a deep pool of factual knowledge. The SAT is a mixed bag All in all, I’d say the SAT is about 70% book learning and 30% reasoning ability. You have to have the exposure to the topics the test works with, but that alone won’t get you into the SAT hall-of-fame. But if that sounds like a bad deal, don’t get too ticked off. Since the SAT is standardized, the same types of questions come up again and again. Even if they’re tricky, you can learn how they’re tricky—at least to some extent—and score points on those questions that seem like they’re meant for geniuses rather than hardworking students. You just have to practice them. And like I said, the test is still mostly about what you learned in school. Get that stuff down and you’re looking at a respectable to outstanding score no matter what.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Homeless Veterans Of Fayetteville Arkansas Needs Assessment

Homeless Veterans of Fayetteville Arkansas Needs Assessment The population of focus for this needs assessment is homeless veterans in Northwest Arkansas; we explored many factors that causes homelessness within this population. Target Population More than one-third of homeless adults interviewed for the Northwest Arkansas PIT census were veterans of the United States armed forces (Collier, Fitzpatrick, O’Connor, 2015). The majority of the veterans interviewed were 92.5% male, 79.3% were white, and more than half were over the age of 45 (Collier, Fitzpatrick, O’Connor, 2015). All of this data combined shows that the majority of the homeless veterans are from the Vietnam era (Collier, Fitzpatrick, O’Connor, 2015). According to the Northwest Arkansas Homeless Report of all the homeless men that were surveyed about 48.6% were veterans and of all the homeless women surveyed only 18% were veterans (Collier, Fitzpatrick, O’Connor, 2015). Target Population Needs Veterans, like anyone else, seek services such as secure housing, nutritional meals, basic physical health care, substance abuse care and aftercare, mental health counseling, personal development and empowerment. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is a huge government organization that supports the veteran population by providing services in healthcare. Each year, VA’s specialized homelessness programs provide health care to almost 150,000 homeless veterans in the USA and other services toShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesConflicts 21 †¢ Creating a Positive Work Environment 22 †¢ Improving Ethical Behavior 22 Coming Attractions: Developing an OB Model 23 An Overview 23 †¢ Inputs 24 †¢ Processes 25 †¢ Outcomes 25 Summary and Implications for Managers 30 S A L Self-Assessment Library How Much Do I Know About Organizational Behavior? 4 Myth or Science? â€Å"Most Acts of Workplace Bullying Are Men Attacking Women† 12 An Ethical Choice Can You Learn from Failure? 24 glOBalization! Does National Culture Affect Organizational

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Should Marijuana Be Legal - 1630 Words

Marijuana has been a hot topic of conversation over the last few years, as some states in America have legalized it medically and recreationally. By discussing the legal aspect of marijuana, the economic benefits, medical usage and how marijuana affects the family, we can see the positive and negative impact that marijuana has on sociology. Except for a few select states, marijuana usage, sale and distribution of marijuana is in some manner illegal. As a result, there is immense legal considerations behind the marijuana conversation. In 2007 alone, fifty-seven percent of all drug arrests in Indiana involved marijuana (Gettman). For all fifty-seven percent of those drug arrests, money and time had to be spent on arresting, processing, jailing, prosecuting and imprisoning those involved. Currently, merely possessing marijuana is a criminal offense, however, it would be a great benefit to the legal system to treat it as other legal substances. One such similar substance is alcohol, whic h is legal in all states. As with alcohol, marijuana usage should have consequences if associated with other actions, such as: driving, abuse and murder. Thus, the court system would only be spending time and money on individuals that abused the use of marijuana rather than all users of marijuana. Users are not the only ones impacted by the illegalization of marijuana, as growers and sellers of marijuana face steep punishment, if caught. Since marijuana is illegal, it is grown and soldShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legal?1609 Words   |  7 PagesMs. Fingarson English 11 March 9th, 2017 Junior Research Paper: Marijuana Should Be Legal. According to world recognized American Scientist Carl Sagan â€Å"the illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insights , sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world†. These are just some of the benefits of Marijuana along with many others. All you have been taught about cannabis inRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1060 Words   |  5 PagesMedical Marijuana Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United Sstates (Wagner).. Marijuana is commonly used becauseThis it is because marijuana is easy to get and doesn’t have the visibly dangerous effects that other drugs like cocaine and heroine have. However,But does that mean marijuana is harmless to the human body? There are some people and studies that believe it is harmlessso. Sanjay Gupta, MD, Chief Medical Correspondent for CNN, wrote the following: â€Å"Frequent marijuana useRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?986 Words   |  4 Pages smoking pot in California, is legal. On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, California became the fifth state to legalize the recreational use of pot. By a margin of about 56% to 44%, voters passed Proposition 64. With its passing, California is now among states like Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska who have also legalized marijuana. â€Å"Marijuana could become quite the cash crop† said Richard McGowan, a professor at Boston College and expert in the field of marijuana legalization. While many peopleRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1230 Words   |  5 PagesCannabis Can The marijuana movement is more prevalent now than ever. Just recently, two other states have joined Colorado and Washington in the legalization of the recreational use of marijuana. On the other hand, the state of Florida did not pass the bill to approve medical marijuana. Although more and more states have begun to see the benefits in legalizing marijuana, many states maintain the view that smoking marijuana is criminal despite the many advantages it poses. Marijuana offers medical andRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?864 Words   |  4 PagesCannabis, also known as marijuana among other names, is a preparation of the Cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug or medicine. Marijuana smoking remains the most prevalent form of illicit drug use in the United States and has even been legalized medicinally in twenty-four states. Four of these states, including Colorado and Washington, have legalized marijuana for recreational use. This means that it is treated like a contr olled substance, like alcohol or tobacco, and anyone theRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?997 Words   |  4 Pagesof the topics; write a thesis statement and complete the introduction 1. Marijuana should be legal, because it is harmless, and it is an effective medicine for many kinds of diseases. - Marijuana should be legal due to its variety of health benefits - Marijuana is an effective medicine for many kinds of diseases - Marijuana legalization would help boost the economy Thesis Statement: Why shouldn’t marijuana be legal due to its variety of health benefits, its effectiveness for combating manyRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1610 Words   |  7 PagesSince the very first day marijuana began dominating our country over 30 years ago, federal control of the drug has been the topic of an continuing arguments. Marijuana is a crushed up blend of dried out herbs, seeds and stems of the plant cannabis. Most people inhale it in the shape of cigarettes for pleasure and relief. Should marijuana be made legal? Advocates of the drug argue that there are multiple medical advantages and that tobacco and alcohol are far more harmful for us than the drug itselfRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal? Essay1261 Words   |  6 PagesMarijuana is safer than tobacco and alcohol, more beneficial and healthier too. Marijuana, unlike tobacco and alcohol, never causes serious illnesses like cancers of the lungs, throat, and mouth, cirrhosis, dementia, or anything els e. In actuality, medical marijuana is used to treat cancer cells. â€Å"The earliest use of cannabis as a medicine is attributed to the legendary Chinese Emperor Shen Nung, who is thought to have lived around 2700 BC.. Cannabis sativa is thought to have been grown for at leastRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal? Essay965 Words   |  4 PagesShould Marijuana Be Legal? In order to start a discussion about whether marijuana should be legal, we must first begin with the history of marijuana. How long has marijuana been around? The earliest recorded use of marijuana is from the island of Taiwan off the coast of mainland china over 10,000 years ago in the Stone Age (Marijuana, 2014). They wove their clothes and made their shoes from hemp. The first paper was made from a combination of crushed hemp fibers and mulberry tree bark. ThisRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1269 Words   |  6 Pagesspecific effects of marijuana on pregnancy women because women who use marijuana also tend to smoke cigarettes and are more likely to use other drugs such as cocaine and alcohol. Thus, it is difficult to identify the precise effects of marijuana on pregnant women and fetus (Leemaqz, 2016.). Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United State (Murray McKinney, 2014). According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 40- 60% of marijuana users continue to use

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Time Management Essay Research Paper Effective time free essay sample

Time Management Essay, Research Paper Effective clip direction is one of the most of import factors for wining in college and despite my success in high school and Air Force preparation I had a batch of jobs with it. Some of you might non believe that clip direction is of import. I was one of those some, when I foremost began my grade in Paralegal Studies at a university in Florida. Here is what I knew from high school and the Air Force: all I have to make is travel at that place, sit at that place until the categories ended, and so travel place and do whatever I wanted. I managed to make all of my prep between categories and nil was left for place. To acquire a 95 on the trial, all I had to make was sit in the category and listen to the instructor. I rapidly learned that in college it wouldn? t work the manner that it had worked in high school and in the Air Force. I needed to do some alterations and develop a system to win at my new challenges. The most frustrating thing for me in college was the manner that my agenda would be arranged and the clip constraints it created. For illustration, when I had to pull off the combination of college and military responsibility from 8 in the forenoon, until 9 in the eventide, without a interruption during the twenty-four hours, there was no clip left for my household and friends. Additionally, if I planned on making my prep at place in the eventide, so most of it likely wouldn? t get done. Now that? s where larning effectual clip direction became an built-in portion of my life. The first rule that I learned is that I needed to put ends, which I would hold to carry through by the terminal of the twenty-four hours. I would see when I had free clip, and seek to divide my undertakings into smaller undertakings and suit them into the staying available clip that I had. I know it sounds easy, but believe me it? s non. I have learned that effectual clip direction takes some pattern. The first measure that I took was to acquire a piece of paper, and record all of my day-to-day activities for a twosome of yearss. By making so, I was surprised at the consequences. The most surprising thing that I learned was the sum of clip that I wasted on the unimportant undertakings, breaks, distractions and other trifle. When I thought I was analyzing for one hr for my concern jurisprudence trial, I found out, that in fact I was merely analyzing for half of that clip. I discovered that it was critical that I know precisely what I was making. For illustration, if I had a immense assignment to complete for school that was due the following twenty-four hours but I was working on a undertaking for work that was non due until the terminal of the month, I was likely confused on how to pull off my clip. Of class if I was utilizing the principle that I was traveling to acquire paid a million dollars for my work undertaking so I may hold made the right determination. But since I likely wouldn? T, it was evident to me tha T I had created a clip job and I would non hold ample clip to finish my school assignment. Geting the right sum of slumber is besides an of import factor of effectual clip direction. For illustration, if after I finished my work undertaking and so stayed up all dark to complete my school assignment, I would likely fall asleep in my category the following twenty-four hours or I would be unable to work to my full potency. I thought I was unbeatable and I would imbibe Mountain Dew since it contains more caffeine than any other drink or I would masticate gum when I was falling asleep since any sort of motion would assist me remain awake. This experience revealed that if I tried to pull off my clip without accounting for slumber, my program was non feasible for long-run clip direction. I came to the decision that proper remainder was indispensable to my clip direction program but I still needed to be flexible. I realized that in the hereafter there would be ineluctable fortunes when I was faced with pressing jobs, crisis or several deadline driven undertakings at the same clip. I would hold to give some slumber as a consequence of those state of affairss, but if I utilized effectual clip direction as a signifier of bar and with be aftering my forfeit and the impact would normally be minimum. To efficaciously pull off my clip I identified the most of import undertakings and put a chiseled end. It was of import that I have an apprehension of single duties, relationships and precedences. I would prioritise my twenty-four hours, or a? clip wastrel? could steal the twenty-four hours off from me before I realized what had happened. I find it utile to give my undertakings for the twenty-four hours some precedence evaluation, and so follow it during the twenty-four hours. I would make the hardest or the most uninteresting undertakings foremost. I was uncomfortable for a short clip from holding made these alterations, but all I had to make was believe about all of the clip that I would recover into my twenty-four hours and it was deserving it. Now comes the good portion from clip direction. I would acquire to honor myself. I would ever honor myself for even finishing the smallest undertaking. When I complete the undertakings that I have set, I do something that I enjoy and have fun. This manner I continue to be motivated to make the things that I need to carry through. I besides feel that it is a good thought to go forth a twosome of hours unplanned during the twenty-four hours. This helped me to cover with distractions, breaks, and other approaching events. Through my experience I have learned the importance of utilizing effectual clip direction as a tool to make a form in my life that balances appropriate way and control. I have besides learned to equilibrate excellence in work and college with excellence in drama, merriment and relaxation. This has made my life happier, healthier and a great trade more originative. Bibliography No